Fuel Filtration
There is upheaval in the maritime shipping industry. Alongside completely new drive systems such as fuel cells, considerable attention is now focused on sulphur dioxide emission reductions (Sox). Using low sulphur fuels without adequate filtration can result in significant engine damage.

The key to clean running and optimal wear reduction for engines is fuel filtration. New environmental constraints mean that low sulphur bunker fuels and, increasingly, organic oils are the fuels of choice. The catfines used in the distillation process to crack the oil molecules remain in the fuel even after repeated use. Here, they create problems for the fuel injection systems, pistons, piston rings and cylinder bores. Without optimal mixture preparation, significant engine damage can occur within a very short time.
In comparison with competitor products, our meshes offer extremely precise aperture tolerances which can reliably retain the catfines. Bopp’s purpose-designed Betamesh-PLUS range offers a comprehensive choice of filter fineness down to 5 microns and provides the right specification for every application. Thanks to their surface filtration properties, these meshes are exceptionally easy to clean.
- The International Maritime Organization (IMO) set out new sulphur dioxide threshholds with effect from the beginning of 2020
- Filtration of low sulphur bunker fuels is essential in order to avoid engine damage
- We guarantee consistent filter perfomance irrespective of temperature influences up to 180°
- We supply every roll of mesh complete with a roll certificate in order to ensure the highest levels of quality

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