Analysis, Optimisation
Whether it’s a question of optimising an existing process, finding the source of a problem or weakness or simply establishing the best solution right from the start – these all require the latest methods of analysis and BOPP’s decades of experience. This can be found in a number of different areas.
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis or, expressed another way, what could go wrong with a product in an application and what measures could be implemented to minimise the risk?
Example: What happens with a pressure surge in a water pipe? Could the installation of pressure safety valves avert the danger of damage to the filter element?
This and similar questions should be discussed with the customer in advance.
Causes of Breakdown with Defects
We can provide support with investigating causes of damage, using microscopic testing, metallurgical analyses, tensile tests etc.
Materials Analyses
Microscopic analyses, metallurgical analyses, assessment of microsections of the grain structure of woven wire mesh and sintered laminates with respect to sensitisation and intercrystalline corrosion all form part of our material analyses.
CAD Equipment
We can help with the construction of elements including filters, circular blanks, Nutsche filters and many more, all to individual customer specifications.
Comparative measurements
We offer a wide range of measurement tests. For example, pressure loss measurements, tensile tests, bubble point measurements or glass bead tests of our own and other materials.

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