Material Choice
Only the best quality materials are selected for our finest wires. Equally, choice of material plays a deciding role in the ultimate performance of the product in use. We provide our customers with advice and consultancy on various aspects and provide support on the following topics:
Type of Load
Establishing the mechanical loads of a process forms part of the situational analysis whose results ultimately decide which filter mesh or sintered laminate with how many mesh layers and in what shape and size as a component will be implemented. First and foremost, high differential pressures due to buildup of the filter cake cause bulging, which causes irreversible plastic deformation and destroys the filter. In addition, with inside-out filtration, there is also a risk of the filter bursting, which should be assessed. Here, we can support our customers with relevant calculations and recommend maximum differential pressures which should not be exceeded in order to ensure reliable operation.

Resistance to Corrosion
Corrosion resistance is the significant ruling factor when specifying a coating. Due to the cost of very high-grade coatings, making the right choice of coating is a prerequisite in order to select the appropriate product balanced against the cost. A coating selected to match the application ensures a long life cycle whilst retaining the required levels of filtration quality. This is where our expertise comes into play to ensure the product selected provides the right levels of performance at the right cost.
Cleaning Challenges
Filers must be cleaned periodically in order to achieve optimum performance. Material choice and corrosion properties are therefore impacted directly by cleaning processes.
We support our customers by assessing the cleaning processes utilised with regard to the risk to the functionality of the materials.

Visual Requirements
Design or cosmetic applications pose the most diverse challenges for our meshes in terms of colour, shine and structure. Alongside specialist knowledge in the choice of suitable metals, we have access to a range of processes impacting upon the surface in line with the required design characteristics. We are happy to advise and supply prototypes. Optical spezifications
Material and Component Costs
The most expensive material is not always the best for your application. We help to optimise components to achieve the optimum cost benefit ratio. In general, we are seeking to achieve the longest possible life span, where the potentially higher initial costs are amortised over a longer life, with corresponding environmental advantages.
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